Raw Water Line Resources
This page serves as a resource repository related to the 30" raw water line being constructed from the Flegal Dam and Reservoir to the Morgantown water treatment plant. This information is to be considered "works in progress" and is subject to change as new input is received and more extensive analysis are completed. Similarly, as additional information becomes available it will be posted here. If you are on Facebook and Twitter you may also wish to follow us on those social media platforms. Should you have questions or input into the raw water line or would like to see additional information on this site please email mubmail@mub.org. Please note that the majority of the below documents are in PDF format and open via Dropbox.
Public Disclosures
- October 2019 Board meeting video
- Negotiation Summary
- Licensing Agreement
- Email Correspondence
- October 22, 2019 Comments on the selection of Route 5/5a
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment - White Park
Soil samples have been collected within White Park along both routes 3 and 8. Final results have been received and are very encouraging. While the report indicates widespread low level presence of certain parameters, a common and often natural condition, it found only a few isolated areas with contamination to such a degree that special measures are advised. To further the good news, the special measures to be taken are simply that soil removed from those areas should be delivered to a landfill for disposal, and that workers in contact with those soils should wear basic protective equipment.
The report specifically addresses the potential for hydrologic transport of contaminants, which could be a threat to the existing reservoir. It concludes that the observed lack of groundwater at the sample locations presents so little transport potential that, based on these results, none of the contaminants merit being rated as an actionable contaminant of concern.
The report also addresses the potential for airborne contaminants (VOC’s). It indicates that no VOC’s were detected above de minimis values, and concludes that, based on these results, VOC’s do not merit being rated as an actionable contaminant of concern. The report does suggest that monitoring for VOC’s would be appropriate during excavation activities.
WV DEP has reviewed the report and has provided a letter accepting its recommendations; the DEP has further commented specifically that the proposed pipeline work may proceed.
List of public meetings
- 9:00 a.m. Friday, May 3rd MUB Office - Public participation
- 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 15th BOPARC Office - Formal presentation to BOPARC
- 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 22nd City Hall - Formal presentation to MUB
- 12:00 noon Friday, May 24th BOPARC Office - Public participation
- 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 28th City Council - Formal presentation to COW
- 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 29th City Hall - Public participation
- 5:30 p.m. Monday, June 3rd MUB Shop - Public participation
- 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 4th City Council - Update Report to Council
- Original Map of Alternative Routes - OBSOLETE
- Map of Alternative Routes - June 3, 2019 *
- White Park Sampling Map with Routes
- Commercial Land Alternative Waterline Route
- Commercial Land Alternative Waterline Route Overview
- Routes 3 & 5 as requested by City Clerk
Matrix comparing different route alternatives
- Matrix - May 22, 2019 - OBSOLETE
- Matrix - May 24, 2019 - OBSOLETE
- Matrix - May 28, 2019- OBSOLETE
- Matrix - June 3, 2019 - OBSOLETE
- Matrix - June 4, 2019 - OBSOLETE
- Matrix - June 13, 2019 - OBSOLETE
- Matrix - June 19, 2019
May 22, 2019 Memo to City Council (COW)