Pay My Bill
Pay Online or Automatically
Curious about the quality of our local drinking water? MUB’s 2024 Consumer Confidence Report on local water quality is available at
Please note: If your water service has been disconnected, you must call a MUB customer service representative at (304) 292-8443 to have your service restored. Paying the past due amount online will not result in the scheduling of a service reconnection.
Pay online now with a credit card (VISA, Mastercard, Discover) or via eCheck (You can make a one-time payment, register to simplify future payments and view invoices, or sign-up for automatic payment).
Go Green! When you pay online you can elect to go paperless! We’ll send email reminders when your payment is due as well as receipts for payments made.
In Person
Our customer lobby is open Mon-Fri 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Customer Service Representatives are available by telephone Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at (304) 292-8443.
Pay By Phone
Customer Service Representatives are available Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to process credit card payments at (304) 292-8443 . Please have your bill and credit card ready.
Drop Box
MUB's secure drop box is located on the island of our 278 Greenbag Road office parking area. The drop box is avaiable 24/7.
Pay By Mail
Simply mail payment and stub using the enclosed envelope provided with your utility bill. -
Monthly Payment
Morgantown Utility Board now offers several monthly payment options for those on limited incomes. MUB bills most customer accounts on a bi-monthly basis, producing six bills per year, on two month intervals. The monthly payment options described below may help customers on fixed or low monthly cash flows, by spreading their payments more evenly on a monthly basis.
1. Monthly Billing Option
As a new service, we will allow customers to opt-in for monthly billing from MUB. Under this program, MUB will issue a bill on a monthly basis, but because meters will still be read bi-monthly, estimated readings will be used every other month. Any usage above / below the amount estimated will impact the amount billed on the next month’s bill. This monthly billing option is available only to customers who utilize paperless billing and AutoPay and that have been a MUB customer for a minimum of 10 months.
Registering for the monthly billing option requires three steps:
- Sign-up for paperless billing by clicking here to access our online customer portal, signing-in or registering, then clicking on “My Profile” on the top left menu and going to Paperless Options. Simply follow the directions. Stay logged into the system for Step 2.
- Sign-up for AutoPay by again clicking on “My Profile” on the top left menu (if you closed your window from Step 1 or logged out of the customer portal, click here) and going to AutoPay. Simply follow the directions.
- Once the above two items are completed, go here to complete the registration process and submit your application. When MUB receives the form, a customer service representative will contact you to finalize the process.
2. Voluntary Pre-Payment Option
Customers who do not participate in paperless billing can accomplish the same benefits of monthly payments by making voluntary pre-payments on their account. Pre-payments will be applied to the account upon receipt, thus reducing the amount due when the next bill is issued. In order to qualify as a pre-payment, the customer’s previous bill must have been paid in full; otherwise any payment received will be applied first to the outstanding balance. Pre-payments may be made at any time by any of the following convenient options:
- Phone – during regular business hours at 304-292-8443 - credit card payments only
- In Person – during regular business hours at 278 Greenbag Rd Office – cash, credit cards, or checks
- In Person – beyond regular business hours at 278 Greenbag Rd Drop Box– checks only
- Mail – any time at PO Box 852 Morgantown WV 26507-0852 – checks only
Please be sure to include your account number to ensure proper recording of the payment.
If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact a MUB customer service representative at 304-292-8443.