There are two ways in which you can safely dispose of latex paints.

The first is to attend the Friends of Deckers Creek Paint Exchange Day. This event is being held at MUB's Greenbag Road parking lot (278 Greenbag Road) on July 22nd from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They will accept paints that are not expired and have enough paint leftover for another project. Those in need of paint are welcome to stop by and take what they would like. Either way- whether dropping off or picking up- the event is FREE!

The second is in your regular garbage AFTER following any of the methods below...

  • Simply open the can and let it dry!
  • Hang cardboard on a wall, or place cardboard on the ground, paint it with a brush or roller until the paint is used. Leave the top off the paint can, let all of the paint dry, and then dispose of it!
  • Place newspaper in a cardboard box and pour in the paint. Leave the top off the paint can, let all of the paint dry, and then dispose of it!
  • Mix an absorbent (like sawdust or kitty litter) with the paint, mix, let dry and throw away!

When the paint is dry, you can throw it away with your regular garbage.