May 1st, 2024
N. High Street Project Scheduled
On Monday, May 6, Morgantown Utility Board will begin replacement of a water line along N. High Street. The work will commence at N. High and Prospect streets and continue toward Fife Avenue. It is anticipated the water line work will be completed in four weeks, during the entirety of which North High Street will remain closed from Prospect Street to Maiden Lane. Also, the Mountainlair parking garage entrance/exit will be closed during the duration of the project. As work progresses up N. High Street, Maiden Lane will also be closed. Detours rerouting traffic will be posted.
When the waterline project is complete, sanitary sewer and stormwater line repairs will begin between Maiden and Fife streets. Information regarding these repairs will be provided in advance of the project’s start.
We anticipate both waterline and sewer work to last through June.