Project Info

Bid Due Date: Tuesday September 27, 2016 (12:00 am)

Apparent Low Bid: Glenn Johnston

Bid Amount: $1,153,154.50

Bid Tab: View/Download

Awarded: Yes

Project Description:

The work includes construction of 1,342 linear feet of 36-inch PVC gravity sewer main, 1,873 linear feet of 30-inch PVC gravity sewer main, 31-feet of 15-inch PVC gravity sewer main, 67 linear feet of 10-inch PVC gravity sewer main, 127 linear feet of 8-inch PVC gravity sewer main, 371 linear feet of 8-inch HDPE fused joint gravity sewer main, 139 linear feet of 6-inch PVC gravity sewer main, 50 linear feet of 4-inch PVC gravity sewer main, 362 linear feet of 15-inch N-12 HDPE gravity storm sewer main, 22 precast concrete manholes, 1 precast concrete storm inlet, and 1 CSO concrete structure.

Mandatory Pre-Bid: Wednesday August 31, 2016 (1:30 am)

Advertisement to Bid: View/Download

Plan Holders List: View/Download

Project Engineer: Chris Linger, PE

Email Address:

Bid Status: Archive