Upper Popenoe Run Stream Restoration/Sewer Line Replacement
Project Info
Bid Due Date: Wednesday July 24, 2024 (2:00 pm)
Apparent Low Bid: Laurita, Inc. ~ Morgantown, WV
Bid Amount: $3,228.528.00
Bid Tab: View/Download
Awarded: Yes
Project Description:
This project is located in Morgantown, WV and include the following:
Furnishing all materials, labor, and necessary items for the construction and installation of approximately 6,320 of8” and 12” sanitary sewer pipes, 3,410 lf of 18” and 48” storm sewer pipes, and 2,350 lf of stream restoration.
The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is:
E.L. Robinson Engineering Company
5088 Washington Street West, Charleston, WV 25313
Project Manager: Shawn Kelly, Office: (304) 776-7473, Email: skelly@elrobinson.com
Advertisement to Bid: View/Download
Plan Holders List:
Project Engineer: Shawn Kelly ~ E.L. Robinson Engineering Company
Email Address: skelly@elrobinson.com
Bid Status: Current Projects