King's Court Development Sanitary Sewer
Project Info
Bid Due Date: Wednesday March 5, 2025 (2:00 pm)
Apparent Low Bid: Parrotta Paving
Bid Amount: $104,998.28
Bid Tab: View/Download
Awarded: No
Project Description:
This project is located in Morgantown at the intersection of McCullough Street, Dartmouth Street and Hoffman Ave. It includes +/-822’ of 8” PVC sanitary sewer line extension including 165’ of 16” steel casing, 7 standard manholes, 13 double sanitary service & cleanouts, and 4 single sanitary service cleanouts and 100’ of 6” waterline relocation.
Any Contractor submitting a Bid on this project hereby certifies, indicates, and acknowledges that he/she has a valid and current General Engineering Contractor License from the State of West Virginia and meets all the qualifications required by the statutes of the state and subdivision in which the work is to be performed.
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Project Engineer: Ken Hacker, P.E.
Email Address:
Bid Status: Bid Results