Waste Water Treatment Plant Improvements (WWTP)
Project Info
Bid Due Date: Tuesday September 27, 2016 (12:00 am)
Apparent Low Bid: Ulliman Schutte Construction
Bid Amount: $78,740,000.00
Bid Tab: View/Download
Awarded: Yes
Project Description:
This work includes construction of a new headworks building; influent pump rehabilitation; modifications to a primary influent splitter structure; construction of a new primary effluent splitter structure; construction of a new primary effluent screening building and pumping station; construction of new MBR aeration tanks; construction of a new membrane treatment building and installation of procured membrane equipment and appurtenances; new primary clarifier mechanisms; rehabilitation of final clarifiers; addition of a new first and second floor and modifications to the existing control building; complete process equipment replacement in the control building; modifications to an existing maintenance building; expansion of an existing blower building; replacement of existing primary sludge and scum pumps; conversion of a septage receiving tank to a scum tank; conversion of an existing secondary clarifier tank to a WAS storage tank; installation of new gravity belt thickener feed pumps; conversion of an existing sludge storage tank to a blended sludge tank; installation of new blended sludge pumps; modifications to existing digesters and digester covers; installation of digester mixing equipment; installation of new boiler‑heat exchangers; construction of a new silo digester; construction of a new UV disinfection and final effluent pumping station; construction of a new river outfall and modifications to the existing crib wall; installation of new odor control equipment; replacement of roofs on existing structures; installation of a temporary outfall to be removed upon completion of project; miscellaneous site grading, piping, landscaping, and paving work; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning work; interior process, plumbing, and fire protection piping and appurtenances; interior painting and finishing work; electrical and controls work; and demolition work.
Please note: To provide information on this project, we offer a Question and Answer page located here. If you have additional questions please contact Chris Dale via email at cdale@mub.org.
A mandatory prebid conference was held at 9 a.m., local time, on August 24, 2016, at 278 Greenbag Road, Morgantown, WV 26501. Bidders were required to attend and participate in the conference.
Bids submitted by Bidders who do not attend the prebid conference were considered unresponsive and were not opened.
Mandatory Pre-Bid: Wednesday August 24, 2016 (9:00 am)
Advertisement to Bid: View/Download
Plan Holders List: View/Download
Project Engineer: Scott Wright - Senior Engineer
Email Address: swright@mub.org
Bid Status: Archive