Source Water Protection
Morgantown Utility Board 2023 Source Water Protection Plan
Morgantown Utility Board is pleased to offer our Source Water Protection Plan (SWPP) to the public. By consulting with Downstream Strategies in developing the plan, we worked hard to ensure that the SWPP is not only applicable but remains a "living" program as opposed to a static plan.
Because some items are sensitive, portions of the information have been redacted. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause; however, protecting confidentiality and safeguarding our system is paramount.
The latest version submitted to the West Virginia Department of Health & Human Resources (approved December 13, 2023) is available via Dropbox by clicking here. Information on Above Ground Storage Tanks and other sources of possible contaminants to our water supply can be found here.
Questions or comments can be directed to Chris Linger, Morgantown Utility Board at or (304) 225-3659.