To our customers, neighbors and friends:

Although this report is provided in 2025, it summarizes data collected in calendar year 2024. What you will find within the report is that our drinking water not only satisfies all state and federal drinking water standards, but in all cases surpasses those requirements. Our water is of an extremely high quality.

In 2024, we provided nearly 3.7 billion gallons of world-class quality water to more than 100,000 Morgantown area residents. This past year’s daily average of 10.39 million gallons of treated water surpassed 2023 by roughly 500,000 gallons.

Another record that occurred in 2024 was the amount of water used from Cobun Creek. Whereas in 2023 the split between water pumped from the Monongahela River and Cobun creek was 70.05% and 29.95% respectively, in 2024 we pumped 56.75% from the river and used 43.25% from Cobun Creek. Compare this to two years ago in 2022 when 85% of our drinking water came from the river and 15% from Cobun Creek. Water from the Flegal Dam and Reservoir is purer than river water and is conveyed via a four-mile-long gravity pipeline.

On the project side, 2024 was a busy year. Significant progress was made on the Westridge/Chaplin Hill project. We are extremely proud of this project in that it reinforces two qualities of MUB. First, it demonstrates how critical we are to ensuring that our area maintains the infrastructure capacity to support growth. Second, this project further reveals our role in bringing resources together to support county-wide economic growth. This is on top of the numerus water line installations such as those at the Morgantown Industrial Park, on Pennsylvania Avenue, and Listravia Avenue.

A unique project that we publicly kicked off this year was the Water Service Line Inventory. Although the research portion of this project had been ongoing for some time, in 2024 we actively solicited customer participation in helping identify water service line material. Although we still have a way to go before all customer lines are identified, in 2024 we made progress in the form of thousands of responses.

An additional project that we are extremely proud of is the John Edwards Commemoration. The event, hosted at our water treatment plant in May, was extremely well attended by Edwards’ descendants and community members alike. In fact, the ceremony recognizing Edwards was so impactful that it continues to draw attention from the media and the public.

The Morgantown area is fortunate to have the dedicated and competent professionals that we have operating the water treatment plant. World-class services demand world-class staff, and that’s what we have at MUB. It’s our people that make us an industry leader and an organization for which all of Morgantown can be proud.

Please take time to review this year’s CCR. In addition to test results and other notices, it contains a host of information. This includes data on our water sources, explanations of likely sources of contamination for various chemicals, and definitions. The report also shows the condition of our raw water, the quality of our treated water, and compares our results against federal and state standards.

If you have questions or comments regarding this report or your water, please feel free to contact Treatment and Production Manager Chris Linger at 304-599-2111, visit our website at, or follow us on one of our social media sites. In addition, remember that MUB board meetings, which are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m., are open to the public.

We thank you for your continued support of MUB’s efforts to protect our water resources and deliver world-class services. Your support makes a tremendous difference.


Barbara Parsons, Ed.D., Chair
Michael McNulty, General Manager