Unregulated Contaminants Monitoring

Unregulated contaminants are those that don’t yet have a drinking water standard yet set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The purpose of monitoring for these contaminants is to help the EPA decide whether the contaminants should have a standard. Round 3 of UCMR concluded in 2010, Round 4 in 2019, and Round 5 in 2023. Round 5 testing included 29 PFAS/PFOS compounds and lithium. Results for Rounds 3, 4, and 5 UCMR monitoring are available by visiting https://mub.org/ucmr.

Our Water Source

In 2024, MUB produced nearly 3.8 billion gallons of drinking water, an average of 10.39 million gallons per day. The main source of drinking water for the Morgantown area is surface water from the Monongahela River, which supplied 56.75 percent of the area’s drinking water. The remaining 43.25 percent of our raw water supply was taken from the Cobun Creek reservoir.

To ensure a safe and acceptable product to our customers, MUB constantly monitors our two sources of raw water. The average results of these analyses are shown in the chart to the right.

MUB works through various water industry associations and watershed groups to promote best management practices, to support important programs and improvements to protect the water environment, and to contribute to improved policy making and regulation affecting our water quality.

Source Water Assessment

During 2024 MUB continued its efforts to protect our source water. Progress was made to continue upstream water monitoring, for continuous upstream monitoring via a pontoon-base station, and development of a more accurate water model to predict flow rates and time of travel in the Monongahela River. During 2023 the source water protection program was updated. A public version is available at https://mub.org/swpp.

MUB Board of Directors and General Manager

Please note that the below reflects the membership and titles of MUB board members during 2024, the coverage year of this Consumer Confidence Report. Current information on MUB’s Board of Directors and leadership team is available at https://mub.org/about/leadership.

Water Service Area Map

The map below provides an estimate of our direct water service area. We also provide water to customers indirectly via bulk sales to originations that convey that water to customers. These organizations include Clay Battelle Public Service District, Clinton Water Association, and Pleasant Valley Public Service District.

When all water sales are taken into account, MUB’s water service area covers most of Monongalia County. Click here for a larger image via Dropbox.