Cheat Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant and White Run Pump Station Upgrades


This webpage serves as a resource in support of the Cheat Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade. Information on this page will be updated as the project moves forward.


Morgantown Utility Board is planning a major upgrade to the Cheat Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and the Whites Run and Greyston pump stations. MUB took ownership and operational responsibility for the Cheat Lake WWTP in the late 1990s. In 2001, the Cheat Lake WWTP underwent a major expansion and the Whites Run Pump Station was constructed. The plant currently serves 3,500 customers in the Cheat Lake area and is independent of the MUB owned and operated Star City WWTP system. The last sewer rate increase for the Cheat Lake service area was a decade ago in 2014.

The purpose of the project is to increase capacity of the Cheat Lake WWTP and the Whites Run Pump Station to serve customers over the next 20 years. This project will facilitate future growth and development while meeting the requirements of federal and state regulations related to water quality in the receiving water body of Cheat Lake. Currently, the plant's capacity is occasionally surpassed during large rain events when flows exceed the plant’s design. What's more, the Cheat Lake WWTP and Whites Run Pump Station equipment and facilities are approaching the end of their service life. To maintain compliance with our NPDES permit limits while serving future development, upgrades are required.

Project Description

This project will provide significant upgrades to the Cheat Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Whites Run Pumping Station, and the Greystone Pumping Station. This includes expansion to the south of the existing plant onto land purchased by MUB for this purpose in 2018.

In addition to increasing capacity, improvements and renovations include pumping systems, preliminary treatment, biological activated sludge, disinfection, effluent outfall, biosolids management, odor control, stormwater collection, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), electrical distribution system, emergency standby power, lighting, security systems, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), and site utility work.


This project involves installation of UV disinfectant that will provide state-of-the-art treatment processes, odor control to improve air quality adjacent the facility, standby power to support plant operations in the event of a power outage, and treatment system resiliency to meet permit limits and protect the receiving body of Cheat Lake. In addition, we will also restore 920+ feet of stream channel (Kelly Run).

Specifically, the project will increase the treatment capacity of the plant from the current 0.75 million gallons per day (mgd) to 1.75 mgd and the Whites Run Pump Station capacity from 1.98 mgd to 4.1 mgd. This is designed to meet the estimated growth needs of the area for the next 20 years while making the plant more readily expandable to meet further future growth.

Project Status

Strand Associates is waiting to receive final comments from the West Virignia Department of Environmental Protection as well as other permits. When received, final design of the project will be complete.

Estimated Rate Adjustments

Total construction cost of the project is currently estimated at $39,695,529. MUB has obtained a commitment from the West Virginia Water Development Authority for an Economic Enhancement Grant in the amount of $6,750,000 and has been granted $500,000 of debt forgiveness through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. Construction must commence before December 31, 2024, or the $6,750,000 grant fund will be forfeited.

In addition, the DEP’s State Revolving Fund has agreed to loan MUB approximately $30,000,000 over a period of thirty (30) years at two percent (2%) interest. To fund this project, a rate increase will be necessary. It is estimated that the average monthly bill for a user of 3,400 gallons of water will be $67.97 following the rate increase. Of course, the rate is subject to change in the event the low bid for the project exceeds the estimated project cost.

Below are current and projected rates based on the metered amount of water supplied:

Usage Based on Metered Water Supplied Current Rate Per 1,000 Gallons Proposed Rate Per 1,000 Gallons
First 2,000 per month
or 4,000 bi-monthly
$10.85 $21.70
Next 8,000 per month
or 16,000 bi-monthly
$9.92 $19.84
Next 20,000 per month
or 40,000 bi-monthly
$9.30 $18.60
Next 30,000 per month
or 60,000 bi-monthly
$8.68 $17.36
Next 940,000 per month
or 1,880,000 bi-monthly
$7.44 $14.88
Next 1,000,000 per month
or 2,000,000 bi-monthly
$6.82 $13.64

Public Participation

In February of 2024, MUB leadership conducted a presentation on the project to the Cheat Lake Rotary Club. A copy of that presentation is available here.

On Tuesday, March 14, 2023, MUB's Board of Directors held their monthly meeting at The Cranberry Hotel in Cheat Lake. During this meeting, design phase information was presented by Strand Associates to the board of directors and the public for the first time. Public input was taken and received at the meeting. A copy of the presentation given by Strand Associates at the board of directors meeting is available here via Dropbox. A video of the meeting can be found here via YouTube.

MUB's Board of Directors was held a meeting July 9, 2024, at Lakeview Golf Resort. The below information is available from this meeting...

MUB monthly Board of Directors meetings are open to the public and conducted in strict accordance with West Virginia State Code, including advance public notice of the time and place. The meeting agendas are provided to the local newspaper, posted on the MUB Web site, and shared on the website for the City of Morgantown. You can follow MUB on Facebook and on Twitter for agenda postings. Public comment is solicited at every monthly meeting. You can also send comments to MUB via mail or online or by email to

Other Resources

The below documents will open in the Dropbox file sharing application.

Project Information

Project Manager

Rich Rogers
Chief Engineer
(304) 292-8443

Project Engineer

Strand Associates

Construction Timeline
  • Advertisement for Bids
    August 15, 2024
  • Bid Openings
    September 26, 2024
  • Closing on Loan
    December 18, 2024
  • Notice to Proceed for Construction
    December 18, 2024
  • Substantial Completion of Construction
    March 2027
  • Final Completion of Construction
    June 2027
  • Construction Cost Estimate